Promoting Positive School Climate

Promoting positive school climate

The Program

The Promoting Positive School Climate (PPSC) federal grant provides the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) funding to develop, enhance, or expand statewide systems of support. It also provides technical assistance to school districts implementing an evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral framework for improving behavioral outcomes and learning conditions for all students.

The goals of the grant at the state and local levels are as follows:

  • Improve local capacity of 90 LEAs to support implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) through coordination, training, coaching, behavioral expertise, and evaluation.
  • Improve implementation process by facilitation through stages with a goal of 80% of LEAs operating at the initial PBIS implementation stage after one year.
  • Improve school climate by schools implementing PBIS with fidelity, reducing discipline problems, and demonstrating improved student perception of school climate.
  • Increase cross agency collaboration (e.g., education, mental health, justice system) to enhance overall impact of multi-tiered behavioral framework.

The Partnership

The Genesee Intermediate School District is pleased to partner with 17 Genesee County public school districts and public school academies to develop effective resources and implement evidence-based practices that lead to increased student achievement.

The role of GISD in this partnership is to provide ongoing training, coaching, and content expertise.

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