The central nervous system for productivity
Today, nothing gets done without the use of technology. Throughout Genesee County, there exists robust voice, video, and data infrastructure. This infrastructure was built, and has been expanded, for the purpose of meeting various administrative, instructional, and operational needs. While the benefit of a central technical support team, a common software platform, and a universal approach to system utilization has worked well to increase efficiencies within Genesee County's education system, it does not preclude the expansion of those components for the potential benefit in other local units of government.
In collaboration with its constituent school districts, GISD has developed a customer support methodology that addresses the human and technical aspects from the network enterprise level, all the way to the individual PC. Many broader community initiatives have integrated the potential use of this extensive infrastructure for regional broadband, transportation, and homeland security efforts.
Available Services
Services available to schools and units of government include:
- Use of Teacher Discovery Center tools/machines
- Print room services
- Technology audit
- Technical services and Help Desk consultation
Contact us
To learn more about Shared Technical Services, or to request a quote for services, contact:
Steven W. Tunnicliff
(810) 591-4402