GISD Financial Audit

Maintaining Accountability

Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD) is extremely proud of its fiscal efficiency and remains committed to the highest level of professionalism. Through the expertise of its staff and the quality of its programs and services, all of what GISD does impacts instruction, learning, productivity, and efficiency.

GISD’s budget and corresponding services are structured in response to input from its collaborative partners and its continuous improvement process.

Budget Details

Over 90% of GISD’s comprehensive budget is linked to direct student support services throughout the constituent districts. The remaining 10% of the comprehensive budget accounts for infrastructure and other GISD services vital for student support in Genesee County. GISD's budget is fully compliant with GASB 34 and all other governmental accounting standards.

GISD is pleased to announce that it continues to receive excellent audits from Auditors, Lewis & Knopf, CPAs, without qualifications. Following completion of the audit, Lewis & Knopf presents its final audit report to the GISD Board of Education at a regularly scheduled public meeting. After the report and presentation, the board formally receives and approves the audit.

GISD's Year-End Audit Report

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