Read Every Day, Get a Library Card, and Keep Talking!
Set aside 20 minutes of reading time with your child daily. When you read every day with your child, it makes them better readers, expands vocabulary, and promotes a positive relationship between you and your child. Make sure they see you reading. It sets a great example!
Visit the library and check out books. Visits to a library expand your child’s world, opportunities, and interests for reading and models good habits and practices.
Talk with your children while on walks, in the grocery store, in restaurants, and wherever you go. Conversations build vocabulary, prior knowledge, and connections in the brain. Don’t let technology rob you of time talking with your children. If you allow children to watch TV, watch with them, ask questions, and engage them in talking about what they are watching.
Resources for Parents
Supporting reading skills at home - Tips for parents on how to help your child improve reading skills.
Reading and learning with your child - Tools, tips, and fun activities for parents and children.
Michigan eLibrary - Online reading tools, tips and activities.
Learning at home - Activity packets for children in grades K-8.