Routing Questions?
Please contact our router/dispatchers:
Emily Peterson 810-591-4579
Richard Strauss 810-591-4518
Tonya Washington 810-591-4919
Courtney Wright 810-591-4915
Thank you for visiting transportation! If we can be of any assistance, please give us a call at 810-591-4552.
Genesee Intermediate School District operates a transportation fleet that includes 123 buses and vans that travel a total of nearly 2.5 million miles per year. Clearly, saving dollars has been essential for the ongoing stability of this operation. As a result, GISD has implemented GPS navigation and tracking systems that have helped account for equipment location and actual staff time on task. GISD has also explored bulk purchasing of fuel, implemented regional operation hubs throughout the county, and decentralized mechanical services, in addition to establishing a radio transmission system infrastructure for advanced safety, crisis management, and streamlined routing systems.
Field Trips
Request a Field Trip
(opens in a new window)
Important: A request must be submitted three weeks prior to departure date or earlier. Please keep in mind that a request does not mean it is confirmed. If you need to set up a field trip account or are having trouble logging in, please contact Deonna Fields at (810) 591-6169.
Modify/Change Transportation
To request, change, or modify transportation for a student, please click on the following link and fill out the online form.
Request to Modify/Change Transportation
Transportation Safety Classes
Training is a significant component of GISD's Transportation Services program. The GISD Board of Education is dedicated to training bus drivers and transportation aides to ensure that all transportation staff within GISD meet Michigan Department of Education
(opens in a new window)
certification requirements. Training is also coordinated on a regional basis for transportation employees from Lapeer, Sanilac, Shiawassee, and Genesee Counties.
An enrollment form must be completed for each school bus driver attending a training session. Purchase orders and/or checks should be addressed and made payable to Genesee ISD, 2413 West Maple, MI 48507. School Bus Driver Curriculum Manuals are available here.
School Bus Driver Academy
If you have never obtained a CDL and you need assistance, we can help! We will take you through from the very beginning all the way through certification. We pay to train! This includes assistance with test taking, road testing and everything in between. We have a 98% pass rate since our inception of the academy in 2017. If you would like to enroll, please contact us at 810-591-4526.
New Transportation Supervisors
IMPORTANT: Regardless of if you have already taken Beginning School Bus Driver Class (BSBD), if you are a new supervisor you must enroll in Beginning School Bus Driver Class again or take Basic Transportation Management Course (BTMC) through the Michigan Association of Pupil Transportation (MAPT). It is also sometimes available at the MAPT annual conference. If you choose the BTMC path, the Genesee Intermediate School District training agency must sign off on your enrollment.
Questions about Beginning School Bus Driver, Continuing Education, or obtaining your Transportation Supervisor Card for the first time?
Please contact Deonna Fields at 810-591-6169 If you still have questions.
Continuing Education Classes
Enroll in 6-hr Continuing school bus driver training
Date: June 13, 2025
Time: 8 AM - 2 PM
Room: Davis Center-Legacy Auditorium
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Date: June 16, 2025
Time: 8 AM - 2 PM
Room:Davis Center-Legacy Auditorium
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Date: June 23, 2025
Time: 8 AM - 2 PM
Room:Davis Center-Legacy Auditorium
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507Date: June 16
Date: August 18, 2025
Time: 8 AM - 2 PM
Room:Davis Center-Legacy Auditorium
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Beginning School Bus Driver
Enroll in Beginning School Bus Driver Please allow 3 business days for delivery of white card
Date: January 13, 14, 15, 16, 2025 *Must Attend All FOUR Days
Time: 8 AM - 1 PM
Room: Davis Center -Motivation and Inspiration Room
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Date: March 17, 18, 19, 20, 2025 *Must Attend All FOUR Days
Time: 8 AM - 1 PM
Room: Genesee Career Institute-Innovation Zone
Location: 5081 Torrey Road, Flint, MI 48507
Date: May 12, 13, 14, 15, 2025 *Must Attend All FOUR Days
Time: 8 AM - 1 PM
Room: Davis Center -Legacy Auditorium
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Date: June 9, 10, 11, 12, 2025
Time: 8AM - 1PM
Room: 102AB
Location: 2413 West Maple Avenue, Flint, MI 48507
Supervisor training is now all online. To access the course go to
Your enrollment key for Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee County School Districts is (TBA)
and yes, you need to enter the "-" dash. If you need more information, please contact us at 810-591-6169.
If you have technical issues with the website please email Kellie Schultz at [email protected]
Every two years, Michigan Law requires that a transportation supervisor pass and receive a Transportation Supervisor Certification Card.
The Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD) operates transportation services for special education and career technical education students. These services are provided on behalf of a multi-district consortia in an effort to offer a cost-effective transportation program for districts that participate.
The GISD Specialized Transportation Consortium started operations in 1997. The consortium consists of 21 school districts. Special needs students are transported to and from GISD's center programs and to a number of Project CHOICE sites within GISD's service area. The consortium generates approximately $1.5 million in savings for participating school districts each year.
The Genesee Career Institute Transportation Consortium started operations in 2004. In 2014, the Genesee Intermediate School District bought the GCI and renamed the building the Genesee Career Institute. It currently consists of 21 school districts and generates approximately $450,000 in savings for these districts each year.
The following services are provided by Transportation Services:
- CPI Restraint Training
- Training for drivers and aides in various medical procedures for student needs
- Transportation for over 1,100 special needs students
- Transportation for over 1,600 career technical education students
Contact Information
For more information, please call (810) 591-4552.