Key Concepts

GISD's Roles

Thirteen test key concepts describe and define Genesee Intermediate School District's (GISD's) roles. Some are mandated functions. Others are indicative of services to constituent districts and public school academies that have been developed in response to identified needs.

  • Collaboration to maximize resources:

    GISD consults, cooperates, and works with other agencies and educational partners for the greater benefit of children, parents, citizens, and the community.
  • Direct operation of programs:

    GISD operates programs and provides direct services, as appropriate, for students, parents, and the community.
  • Facilitate change:

    GISD researches, pilots, and promotes innovations, programs and instructional strategies within schools.
  • Facilitate communication:

    GISD provides communication assistance and support, as well as information focused on education issues linking schools to the broader community.
  • Implementation of technology:

    GISD assists constituent districts in the selection, acquisition, implementation, use, and maintenance of technology to increase the efficiency of school operations and the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
  • Innovative programming for special populations:

    GISD researches and facilitates the development of innovative programs for special education and other special needs students.
  • Leadership and innovation:

    GISD researches, initiates, assists, and facilitates the development of equitable services and programs that are based on research, educationally sound and supported by constituent districts.
  • Mandatory and administrative services:

    GISD provides leadership to assist local districts in meeting mandates of federal and state laws, the State Board of Education, regulatory agencies, and court precedents and acts as administrative agent for the State Department of Education as required.
  • Monitoring and evaluation:

    GISD gathers information through various means to provide baseline data, monitor, and evaluate local and ISD personnel, programs, services, their products and the various factors which influence the educational community.
  • Professional development:

    GISD improves the quality of instruction/ earning in the community, in constituent districts, and within GISD through personal and professional development opportunities.
  • Program development/coordination:

    GISD acts as a catalyst to develop or coordinate programs to aid instruction and learning.
  • Quality instructional support:

    GISD provides quality instructional support services to its constituent districts that lead to increased student achievement and improved preparation for adult roles.
  • Service support to local districts and communities:

    GISD strengthens and enhances local schools while recognizing and preserving local autonomy. GISD also acts as an advocate on behalf of constituent districts at the state and federal levels.

Contact Us

To learn more about GISD's programs and services for students, parents, and educators in Genesee County, call (810) 591-4400.

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