
SCECH Forms for District Programs

Interested in providing State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) for a program you are offering? Answer these questions:

  1. Will your program enhance an educator's teaching and learning experience?
  2. Will your program broaden an educator's knowledge of their student's educational needs, study proven research, and include the best use of new technologies?
  3. Will your program orchestrate collaboration and sharing of knowledge between educators?
  4. Will your program help staff meet the needs of students who learn in different ways and come from diverse backgrounds?

If so, you can offer SCECHs to your participants.

The most important information to note is:

  • All programs must offer a minimum of .25 hours (15 minutes) of instructional time.
  • The following activities do not count as contact time: welcome, registration, icebreaker, introduction of speaker, breaks, meals, homework.
  • Applications must be received at GISD no less than 25 days prior to the start date of the program.

If you are interested in providing SCECHs for a program you are offering, please contact Angela Whaley, GISD SCECH Coordinator, for directions and applicable paperwork. Angela can be reached at (810) 591-4538 or via email at [email protected].

SCECH Forms for Professional Activities

In addition to participating in approved workshops, educators can earn SCECHs through professional activities as outlined by the Michigan Department of Education (opens in a new window)  (MDE). Approved activities, requirements, and registration forms are below. Applications for these activities have already been submitted by the GISD, on behalf of constituent districts, and have received approval from the MDE. Individual districts DO NOT submit separate applications for these activities.

Completed forms, with original signatures, and required documentation should be sent to:
Angela Whaley
Genesee Intermediate School District
2413 West Maple Avenue
Flint, Michigan 48507-3493

SCECH Individual Application Forms for Semester Activities are due no later than 30 days after the end of the Semester.
DPPD SCECH Reporting Form: Mentoring & Supervising (opens in a new window)

  • Mentor Teacher/Counselor/Psychologist/Administrator
  • Supervision of Pre-Teaching/Mid-tier/Pre-Service Student
  • Supervising Cooperating Teacher/Counselor/Psychologist
DPPD SCECH Reporting Form: Individual Activities (opens in a new window)
  • Conference or event in which SCECHs were not offered

SCECH Individual Application Forms for Yearly Activities are due no later than June 13, 2025.
DPPD SCECH Reporting Form: Groups of Educators (opens in a new window)

  • Participation on an Approved School Committee, School Improvement Team, PLC's or District/Department-wide training
    The committee chairperson is responsible for filing complete, original forms with the GISD following the last meeting of the school year, but absolutely no later than June 13, 2025. School Committee SCECHs are awarded for the act of serving on a committee. Participants can earn DPPD SCECHs per hour of attendance. Participants may submit paperwork for more than one committee. The required documentation includes:
    • DPPD SCECH Reporting Form: Groups of Educators (opens in a new window) clearly identifying: district/building, title of committee, a list of all meeting dates held
    • Copies of meeting agendas for each meeting held
    • Attendance Verification which may include:
      • sign-in sheets from each meeting held containing original signatures of all participants, or
      • an attendance master signed by the committee chairperson, or
      • or copies of meeting minutes indicating participant attendance.
    • Attendee Upload Template (opens in a new window)  (.csv file) containing attendees name, PIC number and the number of SCECHs earned

Following submission of the paperwork to the GISD and the subsequent upload to the MOECS database, registrants will be notified by email that they have to complete an electronic evaluation in order to finish the SCECH process.


Contact Us

Please request forms and submit all questions concerning SCECHs to Angela Whaley, Education and Learning, at (810) 591-4538 or by email [email protected].

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